En estos collages muestro cuerpos femeninos de varias épocas, agrupados para contrastar y relativizar -a veces con ironía y humor-, ideas como belleza, raza y proporción aceptada, todas estas arraigadas en la cultura colectiva y aprendidas como válidas, pero que son creadas para su propio espacio y tiempo.
In these collages I show femenine bodies of various epochs, gathered for contrasting and play down -sometimes with irony and humor-, ideas like beauty, race and accepted proportion, all ingrained in the collective culture and learned as valid, but nevertheless are created according to it's own space and time.
In these collages I show femenine bodies of various epochs, gathered for contrasting and play down -sometimes with irony and humor-, ideas like beauty, race and accepted proportion, all ingrained in the collective culture and learned as valid, but nevertheless are created according to it's own space and time.